location & schedule


Broomfield heights middle school


Broomfield heights middle school


Broomfield heights middle school

Power Step Tackling Academy

Own - Maintain - Attack!


Our Motto at Power Step Tackling Academy


Own Your leverage


maintain your leverage


attack from levearge


Power Step Tackling Academy (PSTA) was created to train athletes of American
Football the proper way to tackle – safely and efficiently – over a series of
weekly training sessions with limited contact. At PSTA, we teach Leverage
Based Tackling, which keeps the athlete’s head out of the tackle and
therefore the athlete in the game.

PSTA’s top priority is safety. In order to keep athletes on the field for as long
as possible, and keep them playing the sport of football for as long as
possible, safety has to be the priority. Football, like any sport, is becoming
faster and faster with each passing year, which leaves very little time for a
tackler to process multiple techniques they need to perform in order to
make a safe and structured tackle. Statistics show that football athletes’ highest rates of injuries come at the beginning of the season when they are
thrown into contact with little to no preparation. PSTA has timed its sessions
to help reduce those chances by preparing the athletes for the start of their
team’s football season.

PSTA’s motto is Own Your Leverage — Maintain Your Leverage and Attack
From Your Leverage. It does not matter if your leverage is inside or outside.
We will teach leverage as left side or right side, and the tackler must own it.
A tackler should know to never give up their leverage only to have the ball
carrier gain an explosive play from the tackler’s previous leverage. This is
Maintaining Your Leverage. Finally, we will teach the tackler to attack from
their leverage with proven skills and techniques.

PSTA’s goal is an athlete be able to not only play just as fast as the ball
carrier, but to react with confidence using muscle memory in preparation
for impact. This leads to an attack of the ball carrier resulting in getting them
on the ground as quickly as possible to end the play. With PSTA’s
techniques, calisthenics and drills, we believe the tackler’s muscle memory
will grow over time to ensure the soundest tackle possible. With these skills
and techniques learned at PSTA, we believe that not only will injuries to the
tacklers themselves be reduced, but also injuries to the ball carrier. This
promotes the safer, and none less aggressive, contact sport of American

PSTA is excited to help promote the safety of tackle football by teaching the
proper way to tackle with the most updated and tested techniques
available. We want football, and its players, to thrive into the future.



  • Does a baseball player go to the batting cage?
  • Does a basketball player work on their free throws and ball handling skills?
  • Does a soccer player work on their kicks and dribbles?
  • Does a lacrosse player work on passing, catching, and shots on goal?
  • What about Quarterbacks? Do they throw the football outside of the football season?

The overwhelming answer is YES! 

Every athlete in every sport trains in the off season because skills are perishable. Football is a collision sport. Tackling a moving person is not easy. It’s about tracking the ball, closing space, using leverage, preparing for a collision, delivering an impact shoulder strike, and securing your opponent through the finish of the tackle. Football has become an extremely fast game at all levels. Through repetitive motions and drills, a tackler can prepare for this ever-increasing speed of the game with muscle memory. This process takes time and is not something that can be done in a matter of days or weeks, but more like months leading into a season. An athlete who knows when, why, and how they are going to tackle the ball carrier, is truly ahead of the game. Furthermore, training to tackle also prevents injuries. 70% of plays end in a physical tackle, assuring that injuries can occur. Tacklers must have the determination, drive, and dedication to want to tackle with skill.







Power Step Tackle Academy


